List of Works
Bibliography of Writings By and About E. Jordan
This bibliography is an updated version of that prepared by Max Fisch and included as part of his Introduction to Jordan’s Metaphysics.
Some Philosophical Interpretations of Nature. Ithaca, New York, 1908. (3), 78 p., typewritten. A.M. thesis, Cornell University. (Copies in Cornell University Library and University of Illinois Library.)
The Constitutive and Regulative Principles in Kant. Chicago, Illinois, 1911. 118 p., typewritten. Ph.D. thesis, University of Chicago.
The Constitutive and Regulative Principles in Kant. Chicago: (Printed by the University of Chicago Press,) 1912. 53p. (Abridged from the preceding.)
The Life of Mind. Indianapolis: Charles W. Laut and Co., 1925. 324 p.
Forms of Individuality; An Inquiry into the Grounds of Order in Human Relations. Indianapolis: Charles W. Laut and Co., 1927. 469 p. (Reissued in same year by Progress Publishing Company, and later by The Principia Press.)
Theory of Legislation; An Essay on the Dynamics of Public Mind. Indianapolis: Progress Publishing Co., 1930. 486 p. (Reissued later by the Principia Press.)
The Aesthetic Object; An Introduction to the Philosophy of Value. Bloomington, Indiana: The Principia Press, 1937. 275 p.
The Good Life. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1949. 453 p.
Essays in Criticism. With an introduction and synopses by Robert D. Mack. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1952. 384 p.
Business Be Damned. New York: Henry Schuman, 1952. 267 p. (Publisher’s successor: Abelard-Schuman Inc.)
Theory of Legislation, An Essay on the Dynamics of Public Mind. Second edition with a new preface. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1952. 486 p.
Metaphysics; An Unfinished Essay. Edited, with a preface and bibliography, by Max H. Fisch. Evanston, Illinois: Principia Press of Illinois, 1956.
The Unknowable of Herbert Spencer. Philosophical Review 20: 291-309, 1911.
(Spencer’s Unknowable:) Reply (to H. S. Shelton). Philosophical Review 21: 359, 1912.
The Meaning of Charity. American Journal of Theology 20: 549-562, 1916.
Idea and Action. In: Philosophical Essays in Honor of James Edwin Creighton, edited by George H. Sabine (New York: The Macmillan Co., 1917), 245-265.
The Definition of Individuality. Philosophical Review 30: 566-584, 1921.
Possession and Individuality. Philosophical Review 31: 369-387, 1922.
The False Principle of Liberalism. Ethics 46: 276-291, 1936.
The Role of Philosophy in Social Crisis. Ethics 51: 379-391, 1941.
Concerning Philosophy. Philosophical Review 52: 97-115, 1943. (Presidential address, Western Division, American Philosophical Association, 1942; not delivered.)
The Structure of Society. Ethics 55: 79-87, 1945.
The Philosophical Problem of Religion. Ethics 65: 192-200, 1955.
17: 102-103, 236-237, 457, 461-462, 687-689, 1908.
18: 96-98, 244, 252-254, 1909.
21: 120-121, 491-492, 618-619, 620, 621, 727, 1912.
22: 234, 242, 1913.
The Learning Process, by S. S. Colvin. 21: 612-614, 1912.
Outline of a Course in the Philosophy of Education, by J. A. MacVannel. 21: 614-615, 1912.
The Essentials of Character, by E. O. Sisson. 21: 717-718, 1912.
Experiments in Educational Psychology, by Daniel Starch. 21: 718, 1912.
Lectures on Fundamental Concepts of Algebra and Geometry, by J. W. Young. 21: 718-719, 1912.
The Teacher’s Practical Philosophy, by G. T. Ladd. 22: 231-232, 1913.
Immanuel Kants Werke, ed. Ernst Cassirer, vols. 1-2. 22: 336-338, 1913.
The Problem of Religion, by E. C. Wilm. 23: 573-575, 1914.
From Religion to Philosophy, by F. M. Cornford. 23: 575-576, 1914.
Premiers elements de pedagogie experimentale, by J. J. van Vleit. 23: 695-696, 1914.
Le Probleme Pedagogique, by Jules Dubois. 23: 696-697, 1914.
Problems of Conduct; A Survey of Ethics, by Durant Drake. 24: 562-564, 1915.
Herbert Spencer, by Hugh Elliot. 27: 544-550, 1918.
Pagan and Christian Creeds: Their Origin and Meaning, by Edward Carpenter. 29: 498-500, 1920.
La Responsabiliie: Etude de Sociologie, by Paul Fauconnet. 30: 305-309, 1921.
Annales de l’Institut Superieur de Philosophie, Louvain, IV, 1920. 30: 409-415, 1921.
La Philosophie Geometrique de Henri Poincare, by Louis Rougier. 31: 91-94, 1922.
A Study in Moral Problems, by B. M. Laing. 32: 412-419, 1923.
Philosophical Studies, by G. E. Moore. 33: 88-98, 1924.
The Philosophical Basis of Moral Obligation, by J. E. Turner 34: 297-302, 1925
The Philosophy of ‘As If’, by Hans Vaihinger. 35 :370-374, 1926.
Personality and Immortality in Post – Kantian Thought, by Ernest G. Braham. 37: 615-619, 1928.
The Philosophy of Personalism, by Albert C. Knudson. 28: 278-282, 1929.
Modern Materialism and Emergent Evolution, by William McDougall. 42: 426-428, 1933.
L’Idee du Droit Social, by Georges Gurvitch. 43: 450-453, 1933.
Crime, Law, and Social Science, by Jerome Michael and Mortimer J. Adler. 46: 109-114, 1935.
Beyond Humanism; Essays in the New Philosophy of Nature, by Charles Hartshorne. 48: 439-443, 1938.
Types of Aesthetic Judgment, by E. M. Bartlett. 48: 450-451, 1938.
Sociology of Law, by Georges Gurvitch. 53: 228-230, 1943.
The Life of Mind
Journal of Philosophy 23: 418-419, 1926 (C. M. Perry)
Forms of Individuality
American Bar Association Journal 14: 546-547, 1928 (]. R. Commons)
American Journal of Sociology 33: 315, 1927 (Floyd N. House)
Archiv fiir Rechtsphilosophie 21: 581-585, 1928 (G. A. Walz)
Boston Evening Transcript, July 9, 1927, Book Section, 2:6
Butler Alumnal Quarterly 16: 67-69, 1927 (F. D. Kershner)
Canadian Bar Review 6: 375-382 at 380-382, 1928 (Charles Morse)
Christian Century 44: 1138, 1927 (F. D. Kershner)
Christian-Evangelist 64: 1168, 1927 (F. D. Kershner)
Cornell Alumni News 32: 28, 1929 (unsigned)
Ethics 39: 113-117, 1928 (H. W. Wright)
Grundwissenschaft 9: 106, 1929 (Max Müller)
Hartford Daily Courant, July 17, 1927, V, 6D:8 (unsigned)
Indianapolis News, April 14, 1928, 7:6 (Hilton U. Brown)
Journal of the American Judicature Society 11: 124-125, 1927 (Albert Kocourek)
Journal of Philosophical Studies 2: 566-567, 1927 (J. E. Turner)
Journal of Philosophy 25: 697-699, 1928 (J. R. Kantor)
Der junge Rechtsgelehrte 3: 310-311, 1927 (unsigned)
Kentucky Law Journal 16: 193, 1928 (Paul L. Boynton)
Minnesota Law Review 12: 773-775, 1928 (Henry Rottschaefer)
Monist 38: 479, 1928 (unsigned)
New Scholasticism 1: 356-358, 1927 (Gerald B. Phelan)
Personalist 9: 216, 1928 (R. T. F. (lewelling) )
Philosophical Review 38: 271-275, 1929 (Max C. Otto)
Political Science Quarterly 4-3: 309-310, 1928 (unsigned)
Scholastik 4: 160, 1929 (G.)
Virginia Law Register n.s. 13: 191, 1927 (unsigned)
Washington Law Review 2: 253-254, 1927 (Mark M. Litchman)
Zeitschrift fiir offentIiches Recht 8: 32-51, 1928 (G. A. Walz)
Theory of Legislation
American Bar Association Journal 17: 685-686, 1931 (Joseph P. Chamberlain)
American Journal of Sociology 37: 335, 1931 (Harold D.Lasswell)
Archives de Philosophie 8: 97-98, 1931 (]. Motte)
Boston Evening Transcript, September 17, 1930, III, 2:6
Cambridge Law Journal 4: 249-250, 1931 (T. E. L.)
Canadian Bar Review 9: 389-391, 1931 (F. C. Auld)
Ethics 41: 244-247, 1931 (Albert Kocourek)
Forum Philosophicum 1: 321-322, 1930 (E. Jordan)
Grundwissenschaft 10: 269-270, 1930 (Max Müller)
Harvard Law Review 44: 877-878, 1931 (Max Radin)
De Idee: Orgaan van het Bollandgenootschap voor Zuivere Rede 9: 235-238, 1931 (M. B. Foster)
Indiana University Alumni Quarterly 18: 388-389, 1931 (F.V. Harper)
Indianapolis News, November 22, 1930, 10:6 (unsigned)
Journal of Political Economy 39: 707-709, 1931 (B. Landheer)
Living Church 88: 275, 1932 (C. R. W (oodruff) )
Mind n.s. 40: 119-120, 1931 (O. de Selincourt)
Minnesota Law Review 15: 613-615, 1931 (Henry Rottschaefer)
Monist 41: 154, 1931 (A. K.)
Nationalwirtschaft 3: 590, 1930 (Erich Voegelin)
Philosophical Review 41: 537-539, 1932 (G. H. Sabine)
Southern California Law Review 4: 421-423, 1931 (Henry Rottschaefer)
Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 35: 272*-274*, 1932 (Karl Renner)
The Aesthetic Object
Canadian Forum 18: 460, 1938 (H. R. M.)
Ethics 49: 221-223, 1939 (R. A. Tsanoff)
Journal of Philosophy 35: 666-667, 1938 (Irwin Edman)
New Scholasticism 13: 84-87, 1939
Philosophical Review 47: 546-548, 1938 (Katherine Gilbert)
Philosophy 14: 246, 1939 (ListowelI)
The Good Life
Christian Century 67: 145, 1950 (Roger Hazelton)
Ethics 60: 188-197, 1950 (Eliseo Vivas)
Garrett Tower 25: 16, 1950 (David C. Shipley)
Humanist 10: 226-227, 1950 (Wayne A. R. Leys)
Iyyun; A Hebrew Philosophical Quarterly 3: 237-239, 1952 (Mordecai Levin)
Journal of Philosophy 47: 387-393, 1950 (H. W. Schneider)
Lawyers Guild Review 11: 49-50, 1951 (Abraham Edel)
Mind n.s. 60: 571-572, 1951 (J. Harrison)
New Scholasticism 24: 356-358, 1950 (L. R. Ward)
Philosophic Abstracts 12: 52, 86-87, 1950 (unsigned)
Philosophical Quarterly 1: 182-183, 1951 (T. M. Knox)
Philosophical Review 59: 514-527, 1950 (Charner M. Perry)
Philosophy and Phenomenological” Research 10: 595-597, 1950 (Wayne A. R. Leys)
Prabuddha Bharata, April 1954, 276-277 (Batuknath Bhattacharya)
Review and Expositor, 1954 (Guy H. Ranson)
Review of Metaphysics 4: 575-594, 1951 (John E. Smith)
Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Theologiques 36: 454-455, 1952 (M.-]. Le. Guillou, O.P.)
Saturday Review of Literature 33 no. 30, July 29, 1950, 11
Sophia 20: 116, 1952 (unsigned)
Theologische Literaturzeitung, 1951, Nr. 9, 564-565 (H. H. Harms)
United States Quarterly Book List 6: 30-31, 1950
Essays in Criticism
American Literature 26: 122-123, 1954 (Rene Wellek)
Etudes Anglaises 7: 243, 1954 (L. Cazamian)
Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 11: 268-269, 1953 (Haskell M. Block)
Journal of Philosophy 50: 44-47, 1953 (J. Loewenberg)
London Times Literary Supplement, August 15, 1952, 534
Modern Schoolman 30: 343-344, 1953 (Leonard A. Waters)
New leader 35 no. 45, November 10, 1952, 24 -25 (Susan Rieff)
New Republic 126, June 2, 1952, 20-21 (Rudd Fleming)
United States Quarterly Book Review 8: 249, 1952
Business Be Damned
Cleveland (Ohio) Press, June 3, 1952 (Emerson Price)
Columbia Missourian, May 29, 1952 (F. R. 0.)
Allentown (Pa.) Daily News-Digest, May 27, 1952 (unsigned)
American Lutheran 36: 132, 1953 (Richard Klann)
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 285: 182-183, 1953 (Colston E. Warne)
(Austin) Daily Texan, December 7, 1952 (Anne Chambers)
Chicago Sunday Tribune Books, J tine 22, 1952, 2:3 (Richard Weaver)
Columbus (Ohio) Citizen, June 1, 1952 0. N. B.)
Commonweal 56: 226, 1952 (Fred Wieck)
Dayton (Ohio) Daily News, July 13, 1952 (Alan Pritchard)
Dayton (Ohio) Journal Herald, September 6, 1952 (Vlademar Carlson)
Detroit News, May 25, 1952 (W. K Kelsey)
Durham (N. C.) Herald, July 6, 1952 (K C. K)
Ethics 63: 144-148, 1953 (Warner Wick)
Harrisburg (Pa.) Patriot, June 22, 1952
Hartford (Conn.) Times, September 20, 1952 (E. C.)
Humanist 13: 44, 1953 (Alfred McClung Lee)
Indianapolis News, February 23, 1952
Iyyun; A Hebrew Philosophical Quarterly 4: 246, 1953 (unsigned)
Journal of Philosophy 50: 279-282, 1953 (Robert D. Mack)
Judaism: A Quarterly Journal 1: 378-381, 1952 (Sidney Morgenbesser)
Kirkus 20: 209, 1952
Knoxville (Tenn.) News – Sentinel, December 28, 1952
Library Journal 77: 1306, 1952 (Jesse Edward Cross)
Magazine of Wall Street 90: 460, 1952 (unsigned)
(Little Rock) Arkansas Gazette, July 20, 1952 (Mort Stern)
Memphis (Tenn.) Commercial Appeal, May 25, 1952 (W. R. Herstein)
Modern Schoolman 30: 78, 1952 (George P. Klubertanz)
Nashville (Tenn.) Banner, June 13, 1952 (J. H. Ballew)
(New York) Daily Compass, October 5, 1952 (B. B.)
New York Times Book Review, May 25, 1952, 23:3 (Lester V. Chandler)
New York Times, May 26, 1952, 31 :2-3 (Burton Crane)
Norristown (Pa.) Times Herald, July 28, 1952
Oklahoma City Oklahoman, October 19, 1952 (J. H. Leek)
Philosophic Abstracts 14: 90-91, 1952 (unsigned)
Printers’ Ink 239 no. 8, May 23, 1952, 78:2-3 (Richard
Printers’ Ink 239 no. 8, May 23, 1952, 78:2-3 (Richard Webster)
Rochester (N. Y.) Democrat and Chronicle, June 1, 1952 (unsigned)
San Francisco Call Bulletin, May 24, 1952
School and Society 75: 319, 1952 (unsigned)
Scientific Monthly 75: 194, 1952 (Alfred McClung Lee)
Social Democrat (James Oneal)
Social Studies 44: 159, 1953 (unsigned)
Springfield (Mass.) Republican, July 27, 1952, 6D (J. F. Rooney)
Topeka (Kan.) Capital, June 1, 1952 (unsigned)
Washington (D. C.) Times Herald, June 29, 1952 (E. J.)
Wilmington (Del.) Journal Every Evening, June 23, 1952
Witchita (Kan.) Eagle, June 3, 1952 (L. F. Kimmel)
Theory of Legislation, 1952 edition
Revue Philosophique 80: 243-245, 1955 (Andre-Louis Leroy)
Social Order 3: 35-36, 1953 (Paul G. Steinbicker)
Western Political Quarterly 6: 387-389, 1953 (David Spitz)
Shelton, H. S.: Dr. Jordan and Spencer’s Unknowable. Philosophical Review 21: 357-359, 1912.
Mitchell, E. T.: Jordan’s Theory of Corporate Will. Philosophical Review 55: 65-76, 1946.
Mitchell, E. T.: A Theory of Corporate Will. Ethics 56: 96-105, 1946.
Negley, Glenn: Jordan’s Theory of Corporate Will: Criticism (of E. T. Mitchell). Philosophical Review 56: 406-415, 1947.
Mitchell, E. T.: Jordan’s Theory of Corporate Will: Rejoinder (to Glenn Negley). Philosophical Review 56: 416-421, 1947.
Negley, Glenn: The Corporatism of E. Jordan. In his: The Organization of Knowledge (New York: Prentice – Hall, 1942), Appendix II, pp. 301-326.
Vivas, Eliseo: Jordan’s Defense of Poetry. Review of Metaphysics 8: 162-175, 1954. Reprinted in much revised form in his: Creation and Discovery; Essays in Criticism and Aesthetics(New York: The Noonday Press, 1955), 229 – 247.
Cornett, Robert A.: Individualism in the Ethics of Elijah Jordan. Ethics 66: 61-66, 1955.
(Note: Articles making prominent reference to Jordan’s work but not professing to deal with it primarily, are omitted. For example: Sisson, Edward O.: Human Nature and the Present Crisis. Philosophical Review 49: 142-162, 1940, at 155-161.)
Directory of American Scholars, 1942, 1951
Who’s Who in America, 1938-1939 through 1946-1947
Who’s Who in Philosophy, 1942
New York Times, May 19, 1953, 29:1
Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 28 (1954-1955) 62-63 (Max H. Fisch)
Indianapolis News, December 5, 1949, 14:6
Indianapolis Star, December 5, 1949, 23:1-2
Indianapolis Times, December 5, 1949, 10:7
Bosworth, John: The Concept of Feeling in the Philosophy of Elijah Jordan. M.A., Illinois, 1955. 76 p.
Cornett, Robert A.: Individualism in the Ethics of Elijah Jordan. Ph.D., Illinois, 1953.
Galanter, Marc: Ethics and Politics in The Good Life. M. A., Chicago, 1954.
Haworth, Lawrence I.: The Practical Philosophies of John Dewey and Elijah Jordan. Ph.D., Illinois, 1952. 113 p.
Haynes, Thomas M.: Institutional Theories of Law: Hauriou and Jordan. Ph.D., Illinois, 1949. 228 p.
Prosch, Harry: The. Current Impasse in Ethics. Ph.D., Chicago, 1955.
Richter, Peyton E.: The Metaphysical Foundations of Jordan’s Aesthetics. Ph.D., Duke, 1953. vii, 167 p.
Rucker, Egbert D.: Bradley and Jordan: Two Approaches to an Objective Ethics. M.A., Chicago, 1950. 59 p.
Russell, Elbert W.: Elijah Jordan’s Theory of Obligation as stated in The Good Life. M.A., Illinois, 1953. 86 p.
Sturla, Harry L., Jr.: Jordan’s Theory of Institutions. M.A., Chicago, 1947.